动漫英语怎么写案 It's my turn to give you a speech.轮到我做演讲了。
今天中国天气预报图案 1. turn up Please turn up the radio a bit. 请把收音机的音量开大一点。 2. turn over Now let's turn over a new leaf. 现在咱们从头开始(建立较好关系)。 3. turn out They
没有高中毕业证可以自考专科吗案 孙悟空可以变成不同的动物和物体。Sun Wukong can turn himself into different animals and objects
404页面怎么设置案 there is no turning back 可以翻译成已经没有退路了(事情已成定局); (必须坚持下去),不能打退堂鼓; (一旦签订了合同),就不能反悔了; 括号里面的是,这句
每天睡6个小时对身体有影响吗I turn to watch TV.
turn on造句简单
广州强制隔离14天费用谁承担案 Turn off the light before you leave. 离开前请把灯关掉。
三星700z案 She threatened to turn him in to the police. 她扬言要把他交给警方。 Then physicists would have to turn to more radical postulates, such as those of string theory. 那麽物理学
国脚归队做好准备案 turn on 英[tən ɔn] 美[tɚn ɑn] 打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等);(使)感兴趣;(使)兴奋; [例句]We kept improving the product to turn on payment in late
磺胺嘧啶单次给药药代动力学案 Turn right at the next crossing.在下个十字路口向右拐。